pp108 : Creating a Business Event Response

Creating a Business Event Response

This topic describes the procedure to create a Business Event Response.

Before you begin this task:

  1. Create and design a business process model.
  2. If you are creating a Business Event Response with the Email template, in an organization other than the System organization, you need to create the Notification Service Container in that organization.

Business Event Response keeps track of the multiple events and compares those event parameters and outcomes against a set of business rules, and takes the appropriate action if the event falls within the predefined criteria.

  1. Select a starting point and select (Business Event Response) to create a Business Event Response. The Untitled Business Event Response - Business Event Response appears.
  2. Enter Name and Description of the Business Event Response.
  3. Select a Business Process.


    1. If you select the business process as a runtime reference, then you cannot edit or delete the message filter. If the business process does not have message filter, then you can create Business Event Response on Standard attributes only.
    2. In a Business Process, in any input xml element, specify 'date' parameter value in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:S format.
  4. Select the required Process and related Activity Events from the Events section, and click Next to view Select Attributes page. The Select Attributes page appears with the selected Activity Events, and the Process Events, by default, on the left pane under Events section.

    Upon the selection of a Process or Activity Event under Events section, the relevant Process or Activity Attributes are displayed on Attributes Selection pane.

  5. Select the Process or Activity attributes, select Include contextual information check box and click Next to choose a Web service to get the Contextual Information.


    • Including the 'Contextual Information' is only an optional step.
    • By default, the Process Attributes appear on the Select Attributes page.
  6. Fill the required information in the relevant columns on the Select Contextual Information page.

    You can also check Model Email option, in case you want to model an email template and send an email when a specified condition for the Business Event Response defined is met.

  7. Click Next to view the summary of the selected attributes.
  8. If you have selected Model Email check box, click Next to model an email template, which helps sending the attributes information of the process in an email, to the concerned user, in case the specified business condition for the Business Event Response is met.


    • If you are creating a Business Event Response with the Email template, in an organization other than the 'System' organization, you need to create the Notification Processor in that organization. This is a pre-requisite for creating Business Event Response in other than the 'System' organization.
  9. Click Next to frame rules by defining condition and action.

    If the Business Event Response condition in a Business Event Response is built on a multi-valued attribute and for any process instance, the Business Event Response is resulted in multi-valued match, then the action is fired only once indicating that the Business Event Response condition is met and triggers the appropriate action only once.

  10. Complete the process of defining condition and action and click Finish to complete the Business Event Response creation process.

The Business Event Response is created and added to the content tree.

Note: You cannot rename a Business Event Response after it is created.

After you complete this task:
You must publish the Business Event Response to the organization.

Related concepts

Defining Business Event Responses

Related tasks

Publishing a Business Event Response
Editing a Business Event Response
Unpublishing a Business Event Response
Deleting a Business Event Response